1. If you have a mild or moderate degree of hearing loss, then you could probably get by without the use of a hearing aid.

  2. If you have a severe to profound degree of hearing loss, then you will need to wear some type of hearing aid.

Hearing aids are devices that can help people with hearing impairments to hear better. They work by amplifying sound, which helps the wearer to distinguish words in noisy or crowded settings.

This article will explore what level of hearing loss requires a hearing aid and the different types of hearing aids available. Click here to read about Best Hearing Aids 

Different levels of hearing loss

  • Depending on the degree, hearing loss is classified as follows:nMild if 25 to 40 decibelsModerate if 41 to 55 decibelsModerate-severe if 56 to 70 dBSevere if 71 to 90
    decibelsProfound if 91 or more decibels

  • Exposure to noise at or above 85 decibels over a long period of time can cause hearing loss. The louder the noise, the shorter the amount of time it takes for damage to occur.

  • 90 dB – Lawnmower, hair dryer, food processor, kitchen blender

  • 100 dB – Snowmobile, motorcycle, power saw

  • 110 dB – Rock concert, chain saw, pneumatic drill (at 3 ft.), subway (inside)

  • 120 dB – Ambulance siren, thunderclap

  • The loudness of sounds is measured in decibels. If you raise the volume on a radio from 50 to 60 decibels, it doesn’t sound twice as loud. When the volume is increased from 50 to 70 decibels, for example, the noise actually seems four times louder.

  • Noise-induced hearing loss can begin at 85 decibels of noise exposure over time without causing pain. Damage to hair cells in the ear that transmit sounds occur at less than this level of noise.

  • The average volume on an iPod, for instance, is about 100 decibels. That’s the same as standing 20 feet from a jet engine. According to NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), if you’re exposed to more than 85 decibels over an 8-hour work day, you may experience hearing loss.

  • Noise-induced hearing loss can also be caused by a single, very loud noise such as an explosion or gunfire without time to recover from the impact of the sound waves. In this case, there is no pain – it happens too quickly for that.
1 in 4 us hearing loss
credits: starkey.com

What options are available for those with hearing loss?

The first thing we should all consider is having a baseline hearing test, which can be used as a yardstick of our hearing abilities throughout life.

The next stage is to take into account the quality of life that we aspire to have. Those who require a technology device may not be concerned with having a “perfect” hearing ability, but more of a minimal level of functioning.

Audiologists usually recommend hearing aids for people who have hearing loss that affects their ability to communicate.

Hearing aids work by amplifying sounds to make them louder and easier to hear, while minimizing background noise.

It is important that you discuss your options with an audiologist before making a decision about whether or not you need a hearing aid.

They will ask questions about your lifestyle, hobbies, and job to determine what device would be most beneficial.

In the end, when it comes to when you should consider getting a hearing aid or not, there is no simple answer. Instead of trying to self-diagnose, ask your doctor for a baseline hearing test and schedule an appointment with an audiologist.

There are many options available, so it is best to consult with a professional before deciding what course of action to take. Read More 

What are you waiting for? Get your hearing tested today!

To find out if you or someone you know has an undiagnosed hearing impairment, book your free hearing test at the specialists in hearing aid services online. Simply click here and enter your details. 
For USA Click Here
For United kingdom Click Here

Hearing loss can be a difficult condition to live with, especially when you want to be involved in every conversation and take part in all of the activities that matter to you. Luckily,

there is help available when it comes to improving your hearing ability. Get started today!

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